
A bright and clear council for the happy future of Yangsan citizens, Yangsan City Council

Yangsan City Council

양산시 항노화산업 날다

Greetings From The Chairman

Dear 360,000 citizens of Yangsan! Welcome to the Yangsan City Council website.

Chairman of Yansan Council Lee Jong Hee

The 8th Yangsan City Council will build a sound, democratic society where the residents are the true owners of the city and faithfully carry out its duties representing the voices of the people.

We will make a city that is safe for the children, policies that resolve residents’ inconveniences and a welfare system that takes after the neglected and underprivileged groups.

We will also fulfill our fundamental duty of maintaining checks and balances on the executive body of the city administration while providing reasonable and effective suggestions and solutions.

Lastly, we would like to ask for your continued support and interest towards Yangsan City Council.

Thank you.

Chairman of Yansan Council, Lee Jong Hee

주소 및 연락처, 저작권정보